Lone Clap

You’re at a comedy show. The punchline hits and laughs fill the air. The comedian makes a positive statement about your country that stirs up a short-lived celebration. A solitary celebration. Nobody in the audience joins this poor soul. The comedian does a 180 by claiming this clap was the proof that your country is kaput.

You have just witnessed the Lone Clap.

Burn Safety


Source: Dan Nestman

We expose our hands to risky situations every single day. We touch surfaces that could be crawling with the next headline-bursting disease. We forget how sharp knives are. Sometimes, we just can’t handle the heat.

This is a picture of my friend who got a pretty bad burn, second-degree on that one finger, because of an unfortunate case of “that pan you want to move just occupied a 400 degree oven” mishap. To avoid kitchen danger, hover your hand near surfaces to check for any radiating heat. Of course, that isn’t very realistic, so it’s always best to be prepared for an accident.

If you get a minor burn, follow these steps:

  1. Run, or immerse, your hand under cool water for 10 – 15 minutes or put a cool compress on it. Just don’t use ice. 
  2. Cover the burn with sterile gauze bandage.
  3. Take a pain reliever if needed.

For more serious burns, check out the Mayo Clinic. Even if this info isn’t immediately relevant to you, it’s always great to have the knowledge for if/when the time comes. Let’s keep our hands safe so we can Hand It in happiness.